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Will Phil Mickelson shed the demons?
Will Jordan Spieth win his first Open title? Will some unknown amateur or pro play like never before and win the dark horse battle? These are the questions, the speculations, the buzz, as it were. Who will win??
The golf world is a wonderful world to be a part of. Those of us that have a passion for this incredible game of "Goff" aren't quite able to put our hands on why it grabs us so much, but, it surely grabs us. We all desire to be able to play at the highest level of competition. We would relish being a part of the field out there on Pinehurst #2 this week. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we had that caliber of game, to be able to hit the ball so far and straight, chip it inside 5 feet 92% of the time and can 97% of those 3 footers?? That would be grand.
We love this stuff, the hype, the fashion, the money, the best clubs and equipment, the coaches the money, the cars, the money and, oh, did I mention the money? This world of golf that we all love and can feel in our bones is really wonderful isn't it? Yup, it is!!
I, personally, was all about becoming a Tour Player. From the moment I began to play and became aware of the fact that the PGA Tour existed, I was hooked. That was my dream; to play on the Tour. I didn't have a clue, really, but, it was my dream nonetheless and I worked and worked and worked, honestly, at the expense of almost everything else, to become the best player I could. I, even, had a couple of shots at making it past U.S. Open Local Qualifying back in my 20's only to implant some of my most vividly real negative golf thoughts from the failed shots I experienced as my chances down the stretch became slim, then, none. But, I couldn't shake the desire, the dream, to play on the Tour.

Over the past few years, the dream has solidified. I recognize that the desire for the game of golf and the passion that so much accompanies the game was placed in me by my Creator!! He is the one that made me and placed that desire in my heart. So, the desire for the game became a good thing and I began to see how all of the time I put into reading, practicing, competing, failing and failing was the Lord allowing me to experience that world so that when I got serious about His Kingdom, I would be able to relate and minister inside the game. I am so thankful that He has revealed that to me and has given me a peace about the fact that I am His and on track to take my dream, turn it into a reality and serve Him and other golfers by introducing them to Him, my Lord, my King, Jesus Christ.
So, will Phil cast out his demons? Will Jordan go from an "also ran" into a champion? Will that unknown take center stage? Who knows? He does. Who? The author of all creation knows who will win because it's His Open anyway.
Thanks for reading and enjoy the U.S. Open in Pinehurst this year.
In Him
Bill Poirier
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