Why would I say Webb Simpson is our champion?
Because he is!! He is a man that, admittedly, is a Christ Follower and professes his life complete because he knows Christ and through Him, his life is complete.
This is the kind of champion we want to follow. Why, because any man or woman who has lived life and wrestled with the challenges of life and seen how our faith in Jesus Christ is the basis of "life to the full" is someone that should be followed and paid attention to.
Yes, we know; "He's a golfer for goodness sake." We understand the comment, but, wouldn't we expect character, honesty, right-decisions and leadership from every corner of our country, so why not focus on a US Open Champion and follow him as a leader, highly character-ed individual, professional, husband, father, parishioner and, oh by the way, PGA Tour Player? I choose to follow Jesus and I choose to pay attention to our champion from the US Open in 2012, Webb Simpson.
Whoops, gave it away didn't I.
Here is a wonderful story written about Webb after his 2012 U.S. Open victory..... gotta read this!!!
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Thanks so much and God bless you.