Praise the God & Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!
We are called to present Him to the golf world during the Masters in whatever way He inspires & equips us.
For my Brother Ron Wilcoxson & me, we believe the Lord has called us to engage with visitors to Augusta with the Gospel on the streets leading into the Masters. We have pocket New Testaments designed for golfers & distributed during this past year's US Open & we also have hundreds of Links Players Magazines.
Our first appointment will be @ Warren Baptist Church on Washington Rd 7:00 AM, April 7th to attend the FCA Prayer Breakfast. We hope to meet you, Nick, Pete & Addison to visit together and coordinate our missions for the week.
We, then, intend to deploy to the streets thru Friday to engage with the "Patrons" & trust God's inspiration on where to go, who to speak with & what to say. We will depart late Friday or early Saturday.
One other task of interest; we have established a website called Open Doors that can be visited at www.opendoorsforthemasters.com. we have attempted to identify our mission and ongoing process to introduce golfers to Jesus as well as inform about the efforts of other ministries to use golf as a platform for evangelism & discipleship.

Now, questions...
1. Will you all be attending the FCA Breakfast on April 7th?
2. What locations & on what schedule will you be "on the streets"?
3. Would you like to distribute the Pocket New Testaments & Links Players Magazines we have?
4. Should we discuss other opportunities available for engaging & ministering during Masters week.
5. Anything else?
We trust Him for His inspiration, guidance, wisdom & direction.

If you would like a .pdf version of the "Spectators Guide", please let us know by clicking here and registering asking for the Guide.
Thanks so much.....
In Him