Continuing a Parallel in preparation for the 2016 Golf Season.

Therefore, preparing for the 2016 golf season includes establishing this initiative through our leaders and communicating to others.... Here's your info. Want to join us? Fill out our contact form.

Bill Poirier <[email protected]>11:57 AM (40 minutes ago)
Don Midgett
Ray Pearce
Scott Thomas
Terry Fields
Bill Poirier
Dan Curtis (Bill failed to call to participate, sorry, Dan)
General. Thankful to have each of the Brothers present, including, Don Midgett, Chair of the Board for CGA, and Dan Curtis who was to participate on the cell phone, but, Bill failed to reconnect with him.
The general tenor of the meeting was Spirit led as our discussion centered around the calling to conduct this MINISTRY in order to further His Kingdom within our community and throughout our golf connections.
We reviewed the format for conducting CGA ministry and launched into ...
Old Business;
Church outreach. Bill shared the experience with the leadership of New Vision Baptist Church in Murfreesboro and their acceptance/commitment to engage with CGA Nashville by participating in an Ambassador event and, possibly, hosting an Invitational. This led to a discussion about other churches and the conduct of an Ambassador Outing specifically for Pastors and others who might be encouraged to attend. March 18th was identified as the projected date for that Pastors Ambassador outing.
Scott Thomas mentioned several other churches he felt he could invite to participate in the Ambassador Outing. Ray Pearce mentioned 3rd Baptist and Terry Fields reviewed his connection with a few pastors as well. Bill mentioned his blogging with Lifeway Men and Ron's interaction with the TN Southern Baptist Convention and how a few pastor names may come out of that. We agreed to the March date and will continue to pray and plan for that date.
Invitationals. With New Vision on board, April would be the month where an Invitational event could be hosted through them. Stones River CC was mentioned as the location of choice because of Brady Cooper's connection with the head pro, Rob McGill. Don Midgette and Scott Keegan are both members of SRCC as well, so that fits nicely into the scenario. Bill attempted to reserve that date with Rob McGill, but, could not contact him today.
We have put a trial schedule together that includes the following dates;
CGA Nashville Leadership Meeting, February 5th, 2016, The Egg & I Restaurant, Murfreesboro, TN.
Ambassador Event - February 15th at a golf simulator location @ Golf Galaxy in Cool Springs, 1610 Gallaria Boulevard, Brentwood, TN, tel # 615-250-3803. This event has been scheduled and is limited to 12 individuals. The cost will be $10 each. Show time is 10:15 AM with golf conducted between 11 AM - 1 PM.
CGA Nashville Leadership Meeting, March 4th, 2016, The Egg & I Restaurant, Murfreesboro, TN.
Ambassador Event - Pastor Focus - March 18th, 2016 @ Stones River CC. Hoping to show @ 11 AM, lunch and play from 11:30 AM - 5 PM. Tee times would begin @ 12;30 PM. Details to be finalized.
CGA Leadership Meeting, April 11th, @ Champions Run GC, Rockvale, TN. Golf following.
Invitational Hosted by New Vision Baptist Church - (tentative) April 17th, 2016, Stones River CC, 11 AM - 5 PM. Limited to 40 individual golfers. (15 - 20 caddies needed). Tournament Chair, Sam Woolwine.
CGA Leadership Meeting, May 3rd, 7 - 8:20 AM @ Cedar Creek Golf Club. Golf following.
Invitational Hosted by ????, (tentative date - May 15th, 2016) Location, TBA
CGA Leadership Meeting, June 6th, 7 - 8:20 AM @ Henry Horton Golf Club. Golf following.
Invitational Hosted by ????, (tentative date - June 19th, 2016) Location, TBA
CGA Leadership Meeting, July 6th - 8:20 AM @ Cedar Crest Golf Club. Golf following.
Invitational Hosted by ????, (tentative date - July 17th, 2016) Location, TBA
CGA Leadership Meeting, ,August 5th, 7 - 8:20 AM @ Kings Creek Golf Club. Golf following.
Invitational Hosted by ????, (tentative date - August 14th, 2016) Location, TBA
CGA Leadership Meeting,September 7th , 7 - 8:20 AM @ Champions Run Golf Club. Golf following.
Invitational Hosted by ????, (tentative date - September 11th, 2016) Location, TBA
CGA Leadership Meeting, October 7th, 7 - 8:20 AM @ Cedar Creek Golf Club. Golf following.
Invitational Hosted by ????, (tentative date - October 16th, 2016) Location, TBA
The CGA will incorporate this calendar into theirs, we'll contact each golf course to validate the dates and work out the conflicts with CGA as well and get it back out to each Leader.
Continued Information from CGA Nashville Leadership Meeting.
We reviewed our "Tasks" from the last meeting... (will get serious on this next meeting. lol)
a. Identify your golfer to caddie. "Do you have one?" Who will it be?
b. Recruit one more leader. "Have you done that?" Will you?
c. Determine who to contact in your church. "Please!!"
d. Determine another golfer committed to Christ who may want to implement in their church. "Pretty Please!!"
e. Promote in your social media.... Here is how we do that;
What Social Media do you use the most or at all? Facebook, Twitter, email, Instagram or, others? This is what you copy and paste into an update in your social media or email;
"I am passionate about my involvement in the Challenge Golf Association of Nashville. Wanna know more, click here;" (graphic to paste in the posting)

"Want to play golf with a bunch of crazy Christ Followers? Send me your email." (graphic to paste in the posting)
Want more ways to engage your followers in your social media? Email me and I'll get you more ....

The Payne Stewart Cup. This bi-annual event is being held in Northern Ireland, July 27 - 29, 2016. The graphic below identifies the specifics. Bill is attempting to attend to coordinate with like-Spirited ministries.
The Masters. Bill is organizing a program at the Masters April 4 - 11, 2016. More to follow.
Next Meeting. Please attend our next meeting, February 5th, 2016, The Egg & I Restaurant, Murfreesboro, TN.
Any questions or comments, email me
In Him