Giving Others Loving Fellowship - G.O.L.F.
What, you say??
We are making an impact, however, slight, but an impact, nonetheless.
You may have been following our work through or OpenDoorsfortheOpen or OpenDoorsfortheMasters or, whatever, but, we have been attempting to get the message out as well as we can; we all, who are Believers, can Give the Gospel thru Golf (GtGtG).
As I said, we, as Believers in Jesus Christ, can Give the Gospel thru Golf.
Over the past several months we have been walking down the steps to implement the things we have been speaking of in our earlier blog posts; "Just Walk Across the Green", New Vision Invitational Golf Event and, generally, prayerfully, engaging with other golfers whenever and wherever we meet.
One of the most satisfying and incredibly unexpected things that happened was a conversation with a young couple operating the Pro Shop that day. They were adorable, honestly. They were both Seniors in high school and committed to each other as they were heading off to college. They were wearing "Promise Rings" which is a commitment to abstain from sexual relations until after they are married. This prompted a conversation about the reason the Lord wants us to "Wait" and, I know, it was a great encouragement to them to hear those things from an old guy; me.
"What tees do you want to play?" Larry asked.
"Ah, I try to keep the distance below 6,500 yards, normally." I said.
"Well, I play the black tees." I quickly looked at the scorecard.... ahhhggg 6,734 yards..... "Ok, that's fine. We'll play the blacks."
We started off wonderfully. Larry was about a 4 handicap or better. I was playing quite well for the beginning of the day, but, faded later in the round. It didn't matter. Larry and I were hooked together. Our conversation was wonderful, cordial, appreciative, compelling. On about #8 or so came the question;
"So, what do you do??"
"Hmm, we should talk more about that." Larry said. After the round....
"Bill, let me buy you a beer."
"Sure." I said..............
We extended our time together over a beer and chicken salad sandwiches. Larry asked me to further explain the ministry and, I did.
What was, truly, a miracle to me was that Larry was a passionate golfer and a Christ Follower!!! He had a conversion late in his life, but, was living a redeemed life with his wife and growing in the knowledge of God daily. He hadn't been able to see the connection between his faith-life and his passion for the game, but, that day at North Hampton GC over a beer and a chicken sandwich, Larry was introduced to a way to combine the two and Bill was, once more, validated to how the Lord was forming and growing for His Kingdom.
Love it......
In Him2
[email protected]