Pardon the delay in answering, I was fortunate to attend the RBC Gwinnett Champions Tour Tournament in Atlanta the last couple of days, visit with some great Christian friends, attend the Night of Champions and get an incredible feel for how the Lord is working, still, in a mighty way in golf.
You are a God-send!! No, literally!! I can't wait to be able to share with you what I see relative to that, but, suffice it to say for now, you are sent by Him to this opportunity.
The things you mentioned; impetus to qualify for the US Open @ Pinehurst, your love for the town, your just mission qualifying by 1 shot two times (where will you qualify this year?), your 'dream' to play, spreading the word among your friends on the Symetra Tour, a difficult time in your faith journey, not captivated as much by 'mission', three years as a Christian, getting back to the abundant life, knowing Wally Armstrong, Chris Stevens as a great friend, Global Golf, OMG, I will tell you how......
We are on mission to continue to introduce the platform of golf as a major opportunity to bring together as many ministries and hearts for the Lord through golf in order to evangelize and disciple. The fields are ripe for harvest, my Sister!!! I will expand on that soon in a blog, I pray, but suffice it to say for now; we are on mission!

Be encouraged! Your passion to play golf is God-inspired!! He has placed this desire in your heart. You have inside of you "everything you need for life and godliness in the knowledge of Him who called us (you) by His own glory and goodness". 2 Peter 1:3-11. You have the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead and we can do all things in Christ. You can qualify for the US Open. Specifically pray for that to happen and see what the Lord will do. I will join you in that prayer and you contact Chris Stevens and ask her to pray with you on this!! Also, include Veronica Karaman in that prayer. I'm sure Chris knows Veronica and she is on mission to accomplish the same goal; to His glory.
Pinehurst Village is anointed for this time. It is clear by what is happening and the Lord is at work preparing the " road to Emmaeus experience(Luke 24).
Spreading the word among your friends on the Symetra Tour. Yes, yes, yes!!! This is your mission in your place participating in what God has for you right now. I will send you several wrist bands. (I'll need your mailing address) Tell your story and pass the band to a sister or brother and ask them to do the same. "At such a time as this" you are exactly where you need to be; proclaiming and ministering to those in your sphere of influence. You will have a great story to tell in the near future of God's faithfulness through you; win or lose!!!
Having a difficult time in your faith journey and admitting that to me is a HUGE step, my sister!! We are all on a struggling path to get to know Him better. It is all part of the plan He has for us as we are sanctified in our mission. We started out as babes in Christ when we decided to follow Him. He fed us with the milk of His word to grow us into infants to toddlers and into adolescence, where you are right now. He will continue to move you toward the meat of His life as you faithfully seek the knowledge of His son and grow in the knowledge of God, including, experiencing the doubts, challenges and obstacles that are in your life. He is faithful and is working in you on His timetable and growth process. Be faithful in seeking His face and be encouraged!!
Lack of mission energy is not uncommon as we try to live out our faith in the world. We all experience it because we live in this world and are constantly battling the world and satan's minions. Yes, satan will do anything to thwart us from our mission. But, you are a child of the King. He has overcome the world and you will as well as you faithfully seek Him and trust Him in all of your life. We all experience the same lack of excitement at times. It is part of our growth.

The connection with Wally Armstrong is sooooo affirming to me. Most everywhere I go or many that I speak to have had an experience with Wally or his writings. He is a faithful servant that has persisted and persevered in His mission to get out the Gospel in the world of golf. He is a gentle warrior that will get the big, "Well done" from the Lord. He is on mission and, by the way, just like us, needs encouragement and prayer and fellowship along the journey.
I have never met Chris Stevens, but, honestly, I have been thinking about her and, at times, prayed for her in her mission on the LPGA Tour. Just last week, I asked Josh Nelson of Links Players Ministry to contact Chris and ask her to contact me. I hope she will soon as we believe very strongly that we would have her speak during the Women's Open June 16-22 and, hopefully conduct the women's study in conjunction with another activity we would like to participate in. Yes, please put me in contact with her if you would.
Global Golf..... WHAT!!!!! That is our mission!!!!! I am incredibly encouraged by that term. I will investigate more. If you have any online reference to Global Golf I would love to read and participate. Wow!!!
Well, you can tell, I'm a mild-mannered and contemplative servant of God....... NOT! I am on fire for Him and He has equipped me to be the warrior and fire-brand I am to do His work as He guides and empowers me.
Thank you for joining together with us to use our desire for the game of golf and our knowledge and gifted-ness from Him to glorify Him in our lives.
Blessings to you, my sister!!! .
In Him