Not a Requirement to be a Member of New Vision - Join US!!!
The event is a lead-up to our golf league from March 21 - May 21, 2017, but, you are not required to play in the league in order to participate in the tournament. Nor are you required to attend New Vision to play in our league.
The cost for the tournament March 11th is $45 for a nine-hole event with the option of playing 18 holes. The Tee Time is 1 PM, but we'll have a luncheon prior.
We ask you to recruit another golfer for your two-man team and visit the following web site for more info and to register.
New Vision Golf Tournament, March 11th.
We are also organizing our Golf League. You can learn more about that at this website.
Our Golf League Will be from March 26 - May 21
New Vision Golf League, March 26 - May 21, 2017
Questions or comments.... text or email me.
In Him2
Bill Poirier
Bill's LinkedIn Profile
774-212-2265 (cell or text)