Over the past month or so we have been reviewing what we have done and what the Lord is prompting us to do. We firmly believe we are to develop Kingdom.golf LLC as an enterprise that "Give(s) the Gospel through Golf".
In that regard, we have reserved our LLC name with both the state of Tennessee and the state of Delaware not deciding yet which state to register in, but, the basis of our enterprise will be our golf tournament consulting, golf fundraising products and any other golf-oriented commerce we may get involved in that could provide revenue to support the mission. We'll identify those avenues later in this blog.
We are moving our web files from www.opendoorsfortheopen.com (www.odftopen.com) and placing them under the www.kingdomcorporagtegolf.com domain for now as the Kingdom.golf or .golf domain has still not been released. As we explained in an earlier blog, we believe the Kingdom.golf domain is essential to our activities on the web as it establishes our brand and draws seekers into our web and social media presence.
The ministerial part of our mission will continue to concentrate in a few areas and will be spearheaded by Dr. Ron Wilcoxson;
1. Attempt to create a cooperative network of ministries that are using the platform of golf for ministerial outreach.
2. Promote those ministries throughout the Internet and traditional media.
3. Conduct outreach events at various golf tournaments, hopefully, the Masters and other professional golf tournaments.
4. Partner with the Christian Business Men's Connections (CBMC) in order to conduct golf events throughout the country to draw Believers and non-Believers to events to experience and hear the Gospel.
Our enterprise activity has begun and, hopefully, will continue to grow;
2. We have a golf marathon scheduled with a ministerial group in Barre Vermont that will be conducted in 2015.