So, how will we accomplish our objectives?
Well for Objective #1, here we go....
1. To maintain an active website presence on and promote our content through social media.
As we stated earlier, this will be accomplished by publishing a weekly blog post. We've been doing this since 2013 and have a bevy of posts dealing with our conduct of the US Open Outreach during the 2014 US Opens held at Pinehurst #2 as well as posts regarding how to implement an outreach ministry through golf.
Our intention is to continue to post articles like these as well as promote the events & activities of our sister organizations using golf as ministry. The blog posts are great, but, how do we draw folks to the site? Well, first we're going to produce an eNews "Paper" online called our!headlines. We hope to draw seekers to our site by producing a high-quality enewsletter highlighting the professional golf event news from each week and intersperse written, video or graphic news regarding our sister golf ministries as well. We prayerfully hope this will draw seekers to our site and, thus, to the sites of our sister ministries.
We developed the eNews "Paper" in the middle of the golf season this past year and attempted to publish the "Paper" four or five days each week as the golf events unfolded. We learned alot and hope to be more consistent with this tool in 2017.
our mission is to promote the fact that golf is an appropriate and effective platform for evangelism and discipleship for the Kingdom of God, through Jesus Christ.
Please help by doing these things yourself....
Next, objective #2;
2. To grow the number of like-minded golfers who are Christ-followers in order to encourage and support them. Ultimate goal is 25,000+ followers throughout the entire social media platform with interim goals of 500 as benchmarks.