My Dad is 85 and for the past few years has been in a Veteran's Alzheimers Hospital in Bedford, Massachusetts. He has been very confused, yet healthy, but in the last month has stopped eating. The staff told us this is a sign that the end is near.
So, drop everything, travel from Nashville to Waltham, MA and serve!! That's right, SERVE. Whatever it takes for however long it takes.
It's been incredible to reach out to the "circles" of Believers for prayer in this time; literally hundreds of connections I was able to ask; "I would ask that you all pray for my Dad's salvation. His name is Norm Poirier. Please pray for my mom's peace and strength as well as the Lord's will for our family."
A new friend sent this to me at this time;
Holy Spirit Prayer
O Holy Spirit of God come into my heart and fill me.
I open the windows of my soul to let you in. I surrender my whole life to You.
Come and possess me; fill me with light and truth.
I offer You the one thing I really possess; my willingness to be filled by You.
Of myself I am an empty vessel.
Fill me so that I may live the life of the Spirit: the life of Truth and Goodness, the life of Beauty and Love, the life of Wisdom and Strength.
Guide me today in all things. Guide me to the people I should meet or help, to the way in which I may best serve You, whether by my actions or by my sufferings,
Above all, may Jesus Christ be formed in me, that I may dethrone self in my heart and make Him King so that He is in me and I in Him today and forever.
Amazing that "real life" always seems to return to the reality of true life; only God and His people matter.
Praise Him.