By Ron Wilcoxson
We are all extremely proud of all his accomplishments. However, we are most proud if the outstanding young man he has grown into. Below is a open his Mom and Dad, Tim & Julie Holden wrote on the drive home from Biloxi today.
A Boy and His Ball. A Tribute to Chance Holden
There was a little boy
Who played with a ball.
A hobby, we thought,
That is all.
He played in the Spring,
He played in the Fall.
Even in Winter
He was hitting that ball!
He grew and he played,
He got better and better;
Learned "The Rules of Golf"
Followed them to the letter.
Inspired by his brother,
A pastor, and friends;
He longed to compete
And piled up the wins!
He set records in school,
And he still holds 'em;
Gave the glory to God
The One Who bestowed them.
Through many towns
And through many states,
His love of the game
Did not dissipate.
We sent him to college
One day in the Fall;
His tuition was paid
Because of that ball!
As people would ask,
"Where did he get it?"
His Grandpa was quick
To take all the credit.
Through all the years
And through all the miles,
We've shed a few tears
But had lots of smiles.
He's played for himself,
A few, and a crowd;
That boy and his ball
Have made us so proud!
Love Mom and Dad
Ron Wilcoxson is the Senior Pastor at East Hills Baptist Church in Pensacola, FL, a dear Brother in Christ to me, author and former PGA Tour Player.