It's been a long series, I know, but, for each of us that want to become better I've tried to outline how we can become the golfer we want to be, regardless of the quality of player you desire to be.
What have I attained since beginning this process in November of 2015? Well, you may have read my blog post from 6/2/2016 where I've definitely become a serious golfer again. But, I've become even more serious since that posting because my swing, short game and scoring have significantly improved.
How do I know this? Well, we have to be very honest with ourselves when we play the game after working and working to improve. What do I mean? We have to accurately and honestly record our scores on each hole. If we hit it out of bounds, it's stroke and distance, not "Oh, I'll just drop one where it went out." When we hit it into the rough and can barely see the ball, we have to "play it where it lies" not put your hands or clubhead on the ball and prop it up, ie, improve your lie. The rules are the rules and when we don't play and practice according to the rules, we get an incorrect image of who we are as golfers. But, if we count every stroke, every missed two footer and unplayable lie then our scores reflect who we really are as serious golfers.
So, my practice and play have been according to accepted practice sessions and official rules of the game. I have posted them on the Tennessee Golf Association's GHIN connection and am now a "5" handicap. What?? Yes, a "5" handicap. I've posted legitimate scores of .....
...which makes me a "5" handicap!
To me this is hard to believe, but, the way in which the USGA computes handicaps and my performance reflected above, it equates to a "5".
This makes me wonder about so many other of my golfing partners and golfer scores and handicaps in general. Why? Because I have played with alot of golfers over the years and the ignorance to the rules and freedom golfers exercise on 'gimmes', out of bounds, mulligans, etc. reflects no sense of reality relative to the 'true' scoring and actual abilities of the average golfer. If we want to be serious golfers we have to know the rules, practice them and play the game recreation-ally as well as competitively as a true measure to our actual ability.
Next we'll talk about continuing to practice, play and perform.
In Him2