How does a golfer get the very best deals, the best service aaaannnnddd build his/her own golf business if desired?
The United Golf Network (UGN)!!
In our last post we identified Kingdom.golf, LLC had become the Managing Partner for UGN which has adopted the following Vision;
"Change the world of golf by empowering one golfer at a time to have their own global golf business that allows them to play more golf, make money and enjoy life."
This is a pretty grandiose vision, wouldn't you say? I did! But, as I have, now, studied and investigated as well as adjusted the model, I believe we just may have something here.
The United Golf Network (UGN)!!
In our last post we identified Kingdom.golf, LLC had become the Managing Partner for UGN which has adopted the following Vision;
"Change the world of golf by empowering one golfer at a time to have their own global golf business that allows them to play more golf, make money and enjoy life."
This is a pretty grandiose vision, wouldn't you say? I did! But, as I have, now, studied and investigated as well as adjusted the model, I believe we just may have something here.

As we looked at the model we realized that the ultimate objective is to .... "Change the world of golf.."
My next question was; "Can we?" And I came to the conclusion that; "We could".
The overall plan is to "empower" each golfer to have their own golf business, if they so choose. How is that done? Each golfer has the opportunity to become a Golf Director. Once the golfer becomes a "Golf Director" (GD), he/she, then, has the tools to do three things;
1. Have access to purchase ANY golf product throughout the world at the very best prices by using their very own online web golf store or their very own smart phone application - right from your very own phone YOU can purchase your favorite, golf-anything for the best prices!! DUH!!!
2. Sell to your golf buddies. What if you could become the supplier of your golfing buddies golf stuff?
That's right; Joe needs some new Nike balls, a glove or is considering a new set of woods, they can purchase through YOU and your incredible web/smart phone tools.
3. Easily market your new golf business throughout the web, phone calls, text message, FaceBook or whatever way YOU want and build yourself a nice little golf business on the side, which, could, just could become the incredible business you always wanted......
My next question was; "Can we?" And I came to the conclusion that; "We could".
The overall plan is to "empower" each golfer to have their own golf business, if they so choose. How is that done? Each golfer has the opportunity to become a Golf Director. Once the golfer becomes a "Golf Director" (GD), he/she, then, has the tools to do three things;
1. Have access to purchase ANY golf product throughout the world at the very best prices by using their very own online web golf store or their very own smart phone application - right from your very own phone YOU can purchase your favorite, golf-anything for the best prices!! DUH!!!
2. Sell to your golf buddies. What if you could become the supplier of your golfing buddies golf stuff?
That's right; Joe needs some new Nike balls, a glove or is considering a new set of woods, they can purchase through YOU and your incredible web/smart phone tools.
3. Easily market your new golf business throughout the web, phone calls, text message, FaceBook or whatever way YOU want and build yourself a nice little golf business on the side, which, could, just could become the incredible business you always wanted......

Who needs Dick Sports, BudgetGolf or the local golf shop? Why not reap the rewards yourself?
Thennnnnn, you can Play Golf, Earn Money and Enjoy Life...
Check it out by clicking here......
Thanks for playing!!
Thennnnnn, you can Play Golf, Earn Money and Enjoy Life...
Check it out by clicking here......
Thanks for playing!!